Thursday, 29 March 2007

Not about race

There is no need for racism in this fight for freedom.
This takeover was never about race, just like 2000 never was about race. We only become as foolish as the fools who conduct coups when we believe in the racial cards they swipe in our faces whenever their greed compels them to take over a democratically elected govt.


Fight the good fight people and fight it with principles - the hard way. Dont take the easy way out.
Jo Mar is a humble man who succeeded thro hard work, not because he was part fijian or part anything else.
Why do we believe the hype military bring on when they question why someone earns so much money. Its true - we shld be skeptical when public funds are excessively used but we cant generalise all the time. We become complacent in our judgement of right and wrong when we do that.
In Mars case - lets not be quick to judge and lets try to see the merits of his career.


Anonymous said...

Seems to be a case of "tall poppy" syndrome, plus a liberal admixture of the "anything associated with SDL must be poison" neurosis! This kind of politically motivated "change for the sake of change" is not going to achieve anything worthwhile!

Anonymous said...

You could not have described it better.

We should not be fooled by this military regime when they play their racial cards ploy.

I also agree with you on the issue of Joe Mar.

I personally have met the man whilst he was attending a function at a resort on Denarau.

He seems to be the most down to earth person.

Thank you very muh for pointing out the fact that he is a hard worker and very intelligent for that matter.

All we need to do is look at his track record.

It shows in the companies in which he has sat on it's boards. They have grown and continued to make profits.

Take Fiji Audio Visual Commission for example.

Since his reign as the Chairman, we had had movie, after movie after movie being shot here like never before. We even have a Survivor Fiji series which is currently airing in the US.

I have friends who started their own business in supply and maintenance of huge generators just because of the boom in the movie making industry to Fiji. Catering business's, extra's on the sets, water taxi's etc etc have made loads of money.

I think that in addition to the downturn in every industry because of this unwarranted coup, the audio visual industry will certainly take a downturn.

What a waste.

Can we do something about it? That's the question.

Anonymous said...

I know people who have worked with this gentleman, and maybe i have worked with him in the past - leweni reading this yet? :)
This man has done more for Fiji through proper application of his talents, business acumen, intelligence, skills and humility then Voreqe and his illegal interim administration put together!!!!
The fact that he was on many boards only serves to emphasise how important his skills were and how many people needed him there!

The way his work has all been twisted around by those good for nothing dumb ass military men is shameful to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Funny but I never saw Joe Mar as part this or part that...he is FIJIAN and he speaks fluent Fijian. Check out other Pacific island states. those who have mixed ethnicities (what you refer to as 'part-whatever'), would always identify themselves by the pacific island state they hail from and you'll find that they also speak the native language fluently. BUT not in this godforsaken country! Most of the urban dwellers with mixed ethnicities see themselves as part-this or part-that but never Fijian even though they hve more Fijian blood running through their veins than the part-whatever. They all speak some sort of pidgin english, but you would almost NEVER hear them converse in the native Fijian dialect. How vastly different when compared with the other pacific islands. So you see, Its not just a Fijian/Indian thingi. Isn't it time these people understand the significance of their birthplace or that blue passport they carry?